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Scholes Village Primary School

Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow 

At Scholes Village Primary we will ensure our children and staff:

Have the highest expectations and aspirations for themselves and all;

Feel safe, happy and secure in a friendly, bully-free environment;

Have opportunities to become creative, active, independent learners who use imagination and curiosity to solve problems with confidence;

Learn and develop knowledge and skills for their future through a variety of rich and engaging activities that promote lifelong learning;

Have high standards of behaviour and manners, showing respect and tolerance for others;

Develop a responsibility for themselves encouraging honesty, integrity, resilience and hard work.

In order to deliver these aims the school is committed to:

Providing a high quality curriculum which caters for all pupils;

Providing rich cultural experiences and knowledge;

Promoting British Values as part of school life and celebrating diversity;

Supporting wellbeing and good mental health;

Supporting Enterprise and engagement with the local community;

Collaborating with other schools (eg Stronger Together Partnership) to improve learning, achievement and outcomes.

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